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My Life In Lists By Nicole Barlettano

My Life In Lists By Nicole Barlettano

Revolutionize the way you plan, create, and record your day-to-day experiences with My Life in Lists. Here, talented artist Nicole Barlettano has created beautifully illustrated collection pages for you to start filling in your thoughts, dreams, and lists of favorites as you push past planning into the wilder possibilities of a free-form journal.

Catalog the rodeo of ideas and distractions constantly rattling around in your brain as you fill in these pages, with collections that include exercises in self-discovery and gratitude, but also a place to record important information and track your progress on ongoing projects.

Combining mindfulness with productivity, these thoughtfully designed collections will take you beyond basic journaling to help you manage your life in this crazy world:

Life Goals

Achievements & Milestones

Book Tracker

Music Tracker

Idea Page

Un-Do List

Dear Diary

Movie Tracker

Self Care To-Do List

Acts of Kindness

Travel Bucket List

Then vs. Now

Yearly Check-In/Resolutions

What Worked/What Didn’t

Improve every aspect of your life with this exceptionally useful journal

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