The Bruce Lee Code By Thomas Lee
Bruce Lee was a brand well before that became commonplace. Step into the Dragon’s mind and explore how he thought about business, goals, and life.
The Bruce Lee Code focuses on the business strategies prevalent in Lee’s life and teachings that helped unlock his full potential. Bruce Lee’s attention to brand is a major reason why he continues to influence pop culture today. He was a pioneer, being one of the first Hollywood stars to start his own production company.
To recharge America’s creative and entrepreneurial swagger, we need to reexamine Lee’s life and teachings. Although he died in 1973 at age thirty-two, Lee remains a global icon who continues to influence the contemporary world in ways both obvious and subtle.
Lee was primarily known for his otherworldly martial arts skills and blockbuster movies such as Enter the Dragon and Fist of Fury . But he was also a man of incredible vision, willpower, and intellectual curiosity whose brief career inspired highly successful projects in Hollywood, sports, comic books, video games, and fashion.
In many ways, Lee resembled Apple cofounder Steve Jobs. Both men possessed remarkable self-assurance and a desire to disrupt the status quo